About me

Mitt foto
Hundar har alltid vart en del av mitt liv och nu ska jag göra en nya resa. Tillsammans med de hundar jag umgås med ska jag nu anta en liten utmaning! Mitt liv som fodervärd!! Så tillsammans med min kamera ska jag visa vad som händer på min nya resa. Förutom hundar så kommer nog maken och barnbarnen dyka upp på bilderna.

fredag 13 september 2013

Something for a little girl

My journey continues with Fitztown Challenge

I wanted to do something for the children of this image.
It's called "Twenny Ted in A Shoe" and is available in Fitztown store.
A small giveaway bag fits perfectly fine to give away to a little girl.
I colored it with Tombows and glitter pens. Chose to just decorate with ribbon and punched things.
Kids like the simplicity and they themselves can do the same if they want.
This is a bag that I think kids will be excited to get, so this fits my grandchild Zmilla on her one-year birthday. 
Strong color and decorations she can look at!

Have a great day!!

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